Είναιένανεοφερμένολαμπερόαστέρι, ηγυάλινηφωνήτουμπορείπραγματικάναλιώσειτηνκαρδιάσουκαινα σε συναρπάσει. ΑςγνωρίσουμετονMorYosef, από το HolonτουΙσραήλ, πουθαμαςταξιδέψειστονκόσμοτηςμουσικήςκαιθαμαςπαρουσιάσειέναευρύφάσμαεπιρροών, σεόλαταχρώματακαιτασχήματα της, όπωςηισραηλινήμουσική, ηκλασικήαραβικήμουσική (MaqamMusic), ητουρκικήκαιελληνικήμουσική, ηισπανικήμουσική, τοφλαμένκο, ηανδαλουσιανήμουσική, ηλατινικήμουσικήκ.λπ.
ΟMorYosef σπούδασε πλάι στην καταπληκτική τραγουδίστριαYasminLevy, καθώς επίσηςήτανυπότηνκαθοδήγησητουμοναδικούκαιτεράστιουτραγουδιστήZivYehezkel, στηMaqamArabicClassicMusic. Εμφανίζεταιεπίσηςσεεκδηλώσειςκαιτελετέςαπότο2016. Τώραετοιμάζειτοπρώτοτου άλμπουμ, τοοποίο θα κάνει “μπαμ”σεόλοτονκόσμο, κάνονταςτημουσικήναξεχειλίζει μέσα απότηφωνήτουκαιτο τεράστιοταλέντοτου. Τοάλμπουμ του, θαπεριλαμβάνει Ladino τραγούδια, Ladino εκδοχέςελληνικώνμελωδιών, κλασική μουσική καιεπιπλέονεκπλήξεις.
ΟMorYosef, μέσωτηςαποκλειστικήςσυνέντευξήςτουστοMaxmag, μαςμίλησεγιατημουσική, τηYasminLevy, τονZivYehezkel, την Αρετή Κετιμέ, τηνΕλλάδα, αλλάκαιτατρέχοντασχέδιάτου.
Συνήθωςερμηνεύει μια αράβικη κλασσική μουσική, της Oum Kalthoum και του Abdel Halim Hafez καιάλλων, σταοποίαμπορείτεναβρείτεμιασύνδεσημεταξύορισμένωναπότατραγούδιατουςμετηνελληνικήμουσική. Υπότηνκαθοδήγηση, τουZivYehezkel, είχατοπρονόμιοναεμβαθύνωτηνκατανόησηκαιτηνικανότητάμουστημουσικήMaqam. Ητεχνογνωσίακαι οι διδασκαλίες του, έχουνενισχύσειτιςγνώσειςμουγιατιςπερίπλοκεςμελωδίες, τιςτεχνικέςκαιτιςπολιτιστικέςαποχρώσειςπουενσωματώνονταισεαυτότοσυναρπαστικόείδος. ΕίμαιαπίστευταευγνώμωνγιατηνευκαιρίαπουμουδόθηκεναμάθωαπόέναντόσοκαταξιωμένομουσικόκαιτραγουδιστήόπωςοZivYehezkel.
Ηελληνικήμουσικήέχειισχυρόαντίκτυποστηνισραηλινήμουσικήμέχρισήμερα, μερικάαπόταπιοδημοφιλήτραγούδιαστοΙσραήλείναιστηνπραγματικότητατραγούδιααπότηνΕλλάδα. Γιαπαράδειγμα, μερικάαπόταπιοδημοφιλήτραγούδιασταεβραϊκά γιαπαράδειγμαστιςμελωδίεςτουθρυλικούΣτέλιουΚαζαντζίδη. ΟπρώτοςΈλληναςκαλλιτέχνηςπουέγινεδημοφιλήςστοΙσραήλ,ήτανοΆρηςΣαν, αλλάμέχρισήμεραπολλοίΈλληνεςκαλλιτέχνεςεκτιμώνταιπολύστοΙσραήλ όπως η Γλυκερία, ο ΓιώργοςΝταλάρας, η ΧάριςΑλεξίου, ο ΝίκοςΒέρτης,κ.α. Προσωπικά, εκτιμώιδιαίτερατουςΈλληνεςκαλλιτέχνες. ΝομίζωότιοιδεσμοίμεταξύΙσραηλινώνκαιΕλλήνωνκαλλιτεχνώνείναιπολύ ισχυρή. ΜπορείτεναβρείτεπολλέςσυνεργασίεςμεταξύΕλλήνωνκαιΙσραηλινώνκαλλιτεχνώνκάθεείδους. Το αντίκτυπο, τηςελληνικήςμουσικήςστηνισραηλινήμουσικήαντανακλάτηδύναμητωνδιαπολιτισμικώνανταλλαγώνκαιτηνικανότητατηςμουσικήςναξεπερνάτασύνορακαιταγλωσσικάεμπόδια.
Εστιάζω στο ναολοκληρώσωτο πρώτο μου άλμπουμμουκαιναπροετοιμαστώγιατηνκυκλοφορίατου. Αυτόείναιένασημαντικόορόσημογιαμένα, καθώςαποτελείτοαποκορύφωματουκαλλιτεχνικούμουοράματοςκαιτηςσκληρήςδουλειάςμου. Μόλιςκυκλοφορήσειτοάλμπουμ, ταεπόμεναβήματάμουπεριλαμβάνουντηνπροώθησήτουκαιτηνπροσέγγισηενόςευρύτερουκοινού. Σκοπεύωναοργανώσωκαινασυμμετάσχωσεσυναυλίες, τόσοσετοπικόόσοκαισεδιεθνέςεπίπεδο, γιαναπαρουσιάσωτημουσικήμουκαιναεπικοινωνήσωμετοκοινό. Πέρααπόαυτό, ανυπομονώνασυνεχίσωναεξελίσσομαιωςκαλλιτέχνης. Αυτόσυνεπάγεταισυνεχήμάθηση, εξερεύνησηνέωνμουσικώνστυλκαιεπιρροώνκαι συνεργασίαμεάλλουςταλαντούχουςμουσικούς.
Θέλουμεναευχαριστήσουμετονκ. Mor Yosef γιατην παραχώρηση των φωτογραφιών του στο Maxmag. gr
Please you can read the interview in English below.
He is a newcomer shining star, his glassy voice can truly melt your heart and excites you. Let΄s meet, Mor Yosef, from Holon of Israel, he will travels us around the world of music, and introduce us in a diverse range of influences, in all the colors and shapes of it, such as Israeli Music, Arabic classic music (Maqam Music),Turkish and Greek Music, Spanish music, Flamenco, Andalusian Music, Latin music etc.
Mor Yosef studied, from the great singer Yasmin Levy, and also he was under the guidance of the unique and enormous singer Ziv Yehezkel, in Maqam Arabic Classic Music. He is also performing at events and ceremonies since 2016. Now he is preparing his first album, which it will be exploding all over the world, making the music overflow from his voice and his unbridled talent. The album it features Ladino songs, Ladino versions of Greek melodies, classical and additional surprises.
Mor Yosef, through his exclusive interview at Maxmag, talked to us about music, Yasmin Levy, Ziv Yehezkel, Areti Ketime, Greece and also his current plans
Who is Mor Yosef as a person?
Mor Yosef is 26 years old, a singer and musician from Israel, with a deep passion for various genres of music. Also interested history, science, and research that music is including all of them. Beyond the music I am strives to have a positive impact on the environment and trying to be a positive person.
Who was the person, that influenced you to follow the path of music?
Music has always been an important part of my life, I influenced by a lot of artists, but the most important person that influenced me to go in this way was the great artist Yasmin Levy which changed my life.
What memories do you have from your first concert?
Actually it was a very small one, I am just remember that during that concert, I was so deeply connected to the music that I didn’t want to stop singing. The melodies and lyrics flowed effortlessly from my heart. It was a magical feeling, like being transported to a different world where the only thing that mattered was the music. I didn’t want to stop singing. I am also remember that I didn’t slept all the night after it.
What is the difference between ladino and latino?
When you are telling Latino, I guess you mean to music from Latin America which including salsa, bachata, Cuban son etc. The Ladino (Judaea-Spanish) is actually is the old Spanish which spoken by the Jews which exploded from Spain (1942) to 30 different countries, the Spanish mixed with the local languages and also the traditional songs. Two of the most prominent countries was Greece and Turkey but also the rest of the Balkan area Italy, France and more. Unfortunately, this magnificent culture is dying out, and only the songs is the way to keep this language alive.
What is like to learn next to a great singer like Yasmin Levy?
Learning from the great singer Yasmin Levy has been a tremendous honor and an inspiring experience.
I see her as my mentor and the greatest inspiration of my life. She is a singer from another planet.
Her influence on me goes beyond just the musical aspect. Through her music, I have delved deeper into the Ladino culture and its rich history. Yasmin Levy’s passion for preserving and promoting Ladino heritage has motivated me to explore and study this cultural tradition more extensively.
Furthermore, her impact has led me to take my own musical career to the next level. Inspired by her dedication and authenticity, I am currently working on my first album, pouring my heart and soul into creating meaningful music. I am immensely grateful to Yasmin Levy because she has truly changed my life for the better.
Tell us a few words about the unique singer Ziv Yehezkel and Maqam music?
Maqam music finds its roots in various Middle Eastern traditions, including Arabic classical music, Turkish music, and Greek music. When I am referring to Maqam music, I primarily focus on the captivating melodies and intricate compositions found in Arabic classical music, which have notable connections to Greek music as well. Maqams serve as foundational scales or melodic modes that form the basis of these musical traditions.
Personally, I discovered the connection between Maqam music and Greek music when I listened to the exceptional singer and musician Areti Ketime who i like and appreciate. She is one of the best maqams singers that i heard, her performance way is so intelligent with a lot of heart and soul and her control of her sweet voice is extraordinary. Areti Ketime is truly a master in her craft, and her artistry serves as an inspiration to me. Ziv Yehezkel is an esteemed Maqam music expert and singer in the Middle East, known for his exceptional talent and high-quality performances. It is a great honor for me to be his student, even after years of self-learning in this genre. He usually peformes an Arabic classical of Oum Kalthoum and Abdel Halim Hafez and more, which you can find a connection between some of themes songs to the Greek music.
Under Ziv Yehezkel’s guidance, I had the privilege of deepening my understanding and proficiency in Maqam music. His expertise and teachings have enhanced my knowledge of the intricate melodies, techniques, and cultural nuances embedded in this captivating genre. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to learn from such a highly regarded musician and vocalist like Ziv Yehezkel.
Do you believe that songs unites cultures?
Of course, I believe that music is the most beautiful language in the world and the strongest way to united between different cultures. These days , i am recording my first album, one of the most important thigs for me is to use influences from the east and also from the west in every arrangement. Through music, we can experience and appreciate the diverse expressions of cultures from around the world. It has the ability to evoke emotions, tell stories, and convey messages that resonate with people regardless of their cultural or linguistic background. Personally, I like a lot of types of music even I dοn’t understand the lyrics I understand the emotions.
What is the impact of Greek music in Israel?
The Greek music have a strong impact on the Israeli music till today, some of the most popular songs in Israel are actually songs from Greece. For example, some of the most popular songs in Hebrew performed on the melodies of legendary Stelios Kazantzidis for example. The first Greek artist who was popular in Israel was Aris San, but till today a lot of Greek artists are very appreciated in Israel such as Glykeria, George Dalaras, Haris Alexiou, Nikos Vertis etc. Personally, I have a great appreciation for the Greek artists. I think the connections between Israeli and Greek artists are very strong. You can find a lot of collaborations between Greek and Israeli artist in every type. The impact of Greek music on Israeli music reflects the power of cross-cultural exchange and the ability of music to transcend borders and language barriers.
What kind of music do you like to sing most and suits to the metal of your voice?
Choosing a favorite genre can be difficult, as I enjoy performing a variety of styles. However, if I had to choose one that suits the metal of my voice, I would say Traditional Ladino Cantigas. These songs hold a special place in my heart because they encompass a diverse range of influences. Additionally, I have recently developed a deep love for the Latin bolero genre. What captivates me about bolero music is its emphasis on emotions and heartfelt expression. As a singer, connecting with and conveying emotions through my voice is of utmost important to me, even more than technical aspects.
What is your opinion about Greece and its musical tradition?
Greece has a rich and diverse musical tradition that dates back thousands of years. It features unique scales and rhythms and influences from all of the middle east. In addition Greek traditional music influenced a lot also on the Ladino songs. I have a great appreciate and high respect to this tradition of music.
What are the characteristics and skills that an artist should have to succeed?
Complicated question but first of all follow your heart and have a variety of musical knowledge, never stop exploring the music. I think that the passion is the most important aspect to succeed in this world also determination and perseverance like in every job.
Tell us a few words about your first album and what kind of influences does it have?
My first album which is in process this days includes Ladino traditional songs, Ladino versions of Greek songs, iconic world classics and surprises which I hope will resonate with Greek audiences as well, one of surprises is very special for me. Songs about love and pain. In terms of influences, each musical arrangement incorporates a wide range of inspirations from both East and West. This fusion of influences breathes new life into the Ladino language and offers fresh interpretations of these timeless songs. I am deeply invested in this album, pouring my emotions into every aspect of its creation. My heart felt hope is that the global audience will appreciate and enjoy the music I’ve crafted with passion and dedication.
What are your next steps and plans?
My immediate focus is to complete my debut album and prepare for its release. This is a significant milestone for me, as it represents the culmination of my artistic vision and hard work. Once the album is released, my next steps involve promoting it and reaching a wider audience. I plan to organize and participate in concerts, both locally and internationally, to showcase my music and connect with audience. Beyond that, I am eager to continue growing as an artist. This involves constant learning, exploring new musical styles and influences, and collaborating with other talented musicians.
We would like to thank Mr. Mor Yosef who provided his photos for Maxmag.gr
Είμαι δημοσιογράφος, λατρέυω να αρθογραφώ, τι πιο όμορφο να αποτυπώνεις οτιδήποτε γύρω σου και να αποδίδεις περισσότερο την ομορφιά αυτού του κόσμου σε ένα άψυχο κομμάτι χαρτι και να του δίνεις ψυχη! Το να αρθογραφώ μου δίνει οξυγόνο και πνοή, εκφράζομαι, αγαπώ ζω!