Η Blizzard σάρωσε τα βραβεία στα 20α DICE Awards, λαμβάνοντας στο σύνολο 4 βραβεία. Τα βραβεία ήταν τα Outstanding Achievement in Online Gameplay, Outstanding Achievement in Game Design, Action Game of the Year, και το highlight της απονομής, Game of the Year Award για το Overwatch.
Οι νικητές
- Game of the Year: Overwatch (publisher: Blizzard Entertainment, developer: Blizzard Entertainment)
- Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction: Inside (publisher: Playdead, developer: Playdead)
- Outstanding Achievement in Game Design: Overwatch (publisher: Blizzard Entertainment, developer: Blizzard Entertainment)
- Immersive Reality Technical Achievement: Eagle Flight (publisher: Ubisoft, developer: FunHouse)
- Immersive Reality Game of the Year: Superhot VR (publisher: Superhot Sp. z o.o., developer: Superhot Sp. z o.o.)
- Mobile Game of the Year: Pokemon GO (publisher: Niantic Labs, developer: Niantic Labs)
- Handheld Game of the Year: Pokemon Sun and Moon (publisher: The Pokemon Company, developer: Game Freak)
- DICE Sprite Award: Inside (publisher: Playdead, developer: Playdead)
- Outstanding Achievement in Online Gameplay: Overwatch (publisher: Blizzard Entertainment, developer: Blizzard Entertainment)
- Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year: Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 (publisher: 2K Games, developer: Firaxis Games)
- Sports Game of the Year: Steep (publisher: Ubisoft, developer: Ubisoft Annecy)
- Role-playing/Massive Multiplayer Game of the Year: Dark Souls 3 (publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc., developer: From Software Inc.)
- Racing Game of the Year: Forza Horizon 3 (publisher: Microsoft Studios, developer: Playground Games, Turn 10 Studios)
- Fighting Game of the Year: Street Fighter 5 (publisher: Capcom USA Inc., developer: Capcom)
- Family Game of the Year: Ratchet and Clank (publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment, developer: Insomniac Games)
- Adventure Game of the Year: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment America, developer: Naughty Dog)
- Action Game of the Year: Overwatch (publisher: Blizzard Entertainment, developer: Blizzard Entertainment)
- Outstanding Technical Achievement: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment America, developer: Naughty Dog)
- Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design: Battlefield 1 (publisher: Electronic Arts, developer: EA Dice)
- Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition: Doom (publisher: Bethesda Softworks, developer: id Software)
- Outstanding Achievement in Character: The Last Guardian—Trico (publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment America, developer: JAPAN Studio)
- Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction: Inside (publisher: Playdead, developer: Playdead)
- Outstanding Achievement in Animation: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment America, developer: Naughty Dog)
Τα βραβεία D.I.C.E
«Τα τελευταία 20 χρόνια, τα D.I.C.E. Awards συγκεντρώνουν τα πιο ταλαντούχα, καινοτόμα και εμπνευσμένα μυαλά στην διαδραστική διασκέδαση. Αναγνωρίζουμε και γιορτάζουμε τα μεγαλύτερα επιτεύγματα της βιομηχανίας gaming.», δήλωσε ο Mike Fischer, Πρόεδρος της AIAS (Academy Of Interactive Arts & Sciences). «Είμαστε ενθουσιασμένοι και συγχαίρουμε όλους νικητές των βραβείων. Τα δημιουργήματα τους ενθουσίασαν και διασκέδασαν τους gamers σε όλο τον κόσμο, και αυτό αποτελεί μια έμπνευση για όλους μας», συμπλήρωσε.